How to get the most out of brush-in grout

Whether you’re looking to completely refurbish a garden, driveway or patio area, or simply just give your space a new lease on life, brush in grout could be just what you’re after. Brush-in grout gives a very clean, neat finish and is extremely easy to use, all while being very practical. Follow the steps below to get the most out of your grout!

Step one is a simple, but a very important one. It is imperative that you clean the surface and grout joints. This will mean clearing any weeds or dirt, which can be a task in and of itself depending on the area you’re working with; not to worry though, this is the hardest and most time consuming step so it’s plain sailing thereafter.

Step two, while much less arduous, is just as important; prep the grout joints. This means making sure they’re clear of any debris and have enough depth and the width you want for your grout.

Step three is nice and simple and actually quite a satisfying one. Simply tip, pour or throw your brush-in grout over your tiles. Precision isn’t the name of the game here, so don’t worry about trying to fill the joints perfectly. Then once you have enough grout, ahem, applied, simply brush it into the joints with a hard bristled brush.
Step four, still getting progressively easier and less arduous. All you need for this step is to push the grout down into the joints, feel free to use any rounded tool; we’re simply making sure the joints are completely full and the grout is compacted. Once you’ve done this add a little more grout, and wet the surface of your tiles. Use your same hard bristled brush to brush the water towards the grout joints.
And that’s it. Easy right? All that’s left is to wait 48hrs for your grout to set, then you can enjoy your newly finished space.
All though we always recommend you refer to the manufacturer’s instructions, these four simple steps can be followed and are applicable for most brands of brush-in grout, but they are perfect for use with our chosen and recommended brand, Pro-Pave by Ultra tile fix. We like this brush-in grout due to its ease of application, as we’ve shown above; its colour consistency and ProPave grout is extremely versatile. It is suitable for use with a plethora of different kinds of tiles and in all weather conditions.
For more information, you can find ProPave Brush-in grout at Outdoor Brush Grout – Tile Choice, or get in touch with us by phone 0800 1 560 560 or email at